Testing chess engine Strelka by U.Osipov


Intel Core(TM) i7-3770K CPU @ 4.0GHz

CPU Speed:
4000 MHz
GUI- Fritz 11
Ņime control: 1min/60m
Hashsize: 512M
One cores that run at 3.50GHz

FIRST, 2014.10.11 - 2014.10.13

# Player Score +/-/=
1: Strelka 6 w32 m 535.0 / 1000 (+274 -204 =522)
2: Stockfish 5 32bit 465.0 / 1000 (+204 -274 =522)

1000 games: +316 -162 =522

FIRST, 2014.10.13 - 2014.10.15

# Player Score +/-/=
1: Strelka 6 w32 m 555.0 / 1000 (+265 -155 =580)
2: Houdini 4 Pro w32 445.0 / 1000 (+155 -265 =580)

1000 games: +278 -142 =580

FIRST, 2014.10.13 - 2014.10.15

# Player Score +/-/=
1: Strelka 6 w32 m 667.0 / 1000 (+459 -125 =416)
2:  Komodo 8 32-bit 333.0 / 1000 (+125 -459 =416)

1000 games: +278 -142 =580


Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67GHz
CPU Speed:
- 2617,63 MHz
Winboard 4.7.3a
Ņime control: 1min/60m
Hashsize: 256M
One cores that run at 2.66GHz

Computer Chess Game
BOLSHOI, 2014.10.03 - 2014.10.10

# Player Score +/-/=
1: Strelka 6 w32 885.5 / 1500 (+508 -237 =755)
2: Houdini 4 Pro w32 232.5 / 500 (+81 -116 =303)
3: Stockfish 5 220.5 / 500 (+106 -165 =229)
4: Komodo 8 32-bit 161.5 / 500 (+50 -227 =223)

1500 games: +453 -292 =755

Winboard 4.7.3a
Ņime control: 1min/60m
Hashsize: 512M
One cores that run at 2.66GHz

Computer Chess Game
BOLSHOI, 2014.10.12 - 2014.10.17

# Player Score +/-/=
1: Strelka 6 w32 907.0 / 1500 (+548 -234 =718)
2: Houdini 4 Pro w32 219.5 / 500 (+79 -140 =281)
3: Stockfish 5 217.5 / 500 (+95 -160 =245)
4: Komodo 8 32-bit 156.0 / 500 (+60 -248 =192)

1500 games: +442 -340 =718

Intel Core(TM) i7-3770K CPU @ 4.0GHz

CPU Speed:
4000 MHz
GUI- Fritz 11
Ņime control: 1min/60m
Hashsize: 512M
One cores that run at 3.50GH , 2014.10.19 - 2014.10.20

# Player Score Strelka 6 w32 m Komodo 8 64-bit Strelka 6 w32 Houdini 4 Pro w32 Stockfish 5 Critter 1.6a 32-bit RobboLito 0.21Q x64 Rybka 4.1 x64 +/-/=
1: Strelka 6 w32 m 92.0 / 140   1==000===11=1==10=0= =11=1=1==1=1==0==1== ==0====111=110=1==== 1==1==1=1==1===11=== 0=11111==01=1=1===== 1100=1=111=11===10=1 1111111===1===111111 (+57 -13 =70)
2: Komodo 8 64-bit 83.5 / 140 0==111===00=0==01=1=   0=0110=1==01111=01=1 =11=10000=11=01==111 =11=1=1000=00=10==== 0=10===0==0=10111=0= 11=11=101===11==1110 11=1=11=11===1=1111= (+56 -29 =55)
3: Strelka 6 w32 79.5 / 140 =00=0=0==0=0==1==0== 1=1001=0==10000=10=0   0=1=1010=000===1==1= 010====1=1=11===1010 =1=11=11==11111001=1 11=10==11=111=====1= =1===11=10=111=1=11= (+49 -30 =61)
4: Houdini 4 Pro w32 77.5 / 140 ==1====000=001=0==== =00=01111=00=10==000 1=0=0101=111===0==0=   1=010==0100=101101== =1====0====11110==11 1=1=1==1=011==11=11= 111==11===0011=1==11 (+47 -32 =61)
5: Stockfish 5 73.0 / 140 0==0==0=0==0===00=== =00=0=0111=11=01==== 101====0=0=00===0101 0=101==1011=010010==   =1==01====1=====000= 1==1===10=1===111==1 11===1111=1=1===011= (+38 -32 =70)
6: Critter 1.6a 32-bit 60.5 / 140 1=00000==10=0=0===== 1=01===1==1=01000=1= =0=00=00==00000110=0 =0====1====00001==00 =0==10====0=====111=   ==0=1=111=0======0== 110=1000=00=01=0111= (+27 -46 =67)
7: RobboLito 0.21Q x64 52.0 / 140 0011=0=000=00===01=0 00=00=010===00==0001 00=01==00=000=====0= 0=0=0==0=100==00=00= 0==0===01=0===000==0 ==1=0=000=1======1==   ==1==011=1=1==0===11 (+18 -54 =68)
8: Rybka 4.1 x64 42.0 / 140 0000000===0===000000 00=0=00=00===0=0000= =0===00=01=000=0=00= 000==00===1100=0==00 00===0000=0=0===100= 001=0111=11=10=1000= ==0==100=0=0==1===00   (+14 -70 =56)

560 games: +162 -144 =254

 2014.10.21 - 2014.10.27

# Player Score Stockfish 041014 Komodo 8 64-bit Strelka 6 w32 Stockfish 5 Houdini 4 Pro w32 Strelka 6 w32 m Gull 3 Critter 1.6a 32-bit RobboLito 0.21Q x64 Rybka 4.1 x64 +/-/=
1: Stockfish 041014 32x 120.0 / 180   1===0=1======0=01=== 11===1=111==1=0=01== =========111======0= ==11=0=1111==1=1===1 =11=1=11===1====0=== =1111==1011==1===10= ==1=11111==0111===1= =1=1111==1===1=1=1=1 =1==11111111==1=11=1 (+71 -11 =98)
2: Komodo 8 64-bit 114.5 / 180 0===1=0======1=10===   ===0==100=1===0=01== 11=1===01===10==11=1 011=1==01======11000 0==1011==11=1=011=11 1=1=101==01====1=1=1 01====101=11==1====1 =1=1111111=1=1111111 1=0==11=11=111=1==11 (+72 -23 =85)
3: Strelka 6 w32 108.0 / 180 00===0=000==0=1=10== ===1==011=0===1=10==   0==0101=1==0=0==11=0 =0=101===1=1======0= =11==1===0=1===10=0= =0=1==1=1111=1011110 11=====11111111=1==1 1=1==1==1=1=1===1=1= =111101==111=1=1=011 (+64 -28 =88)
4: Stockfish 5 32x 102.5 / 180 =========000======1= 00=0===10===01==00=0 1==1010=0==1=1==00=1   0==0=1=1010=0====0=1 =01=00========00=11= 1==1111==1=======11= 01=11==1====1=1====1 11=1111=1====1==111= =1===11111=11==1==11 (+53 -28 =99)
5: Houdini 4 Pro w32 100.5 / 180 ==00=1=0000==0=0===0 100=0==10======00111 =1=010===0=0======1= 1==1=0=0101=1====1=0   ==========0==0==00=1 =1=110=00=1==0==101= =100=1==11111==11=1= 11====01=111====11=1 11111111111==1==11=1 (+56 -35 =89)
6: Strelka 6 w32 m 100.0 / 180 =00=0=00===0====1=== 1==0100==00=0=100=00 =00==0===1=0===01=1= =10=11========11=00= ==========1==1==11=0   =1=1=0==01==11=00111 =101===0=1=0=1==111= 11=1====11=11=1111== 01=111=1=1===1111101 (+54 -34 =92)
7: Gull 3 32x 75.0 / 180 =0000==0100==0===01= 0=0=010==10====0=0=0 =1=0==0=0000=0100001 0==0000==0=======00= =0=001=11=0==1==010= =0=0=1==10==00=11000   ======00=1=1=00==111 11===0==1=001==1=0== =10==001=1=1=10=101= (+33 -63 =84)
8: Critter 1.6a 32-bit 69.5 / 180 ==0=00000==1000===0= 10====010=00==0====0 00=====00000000=0==0 10=00==0====0=0====0 =011=0==00000==00=0= =010===1=0=1=0==000= ======11=0=0=11==000   =00==11=1==0==1===1= 00====1111=0======1= (+23 -64 =93)
9: RobboLito 0.21Q x64 56.0 / 180 =0=0000==0===0=0=0=0 =0=0000000=0=0000000 0=0==0==0=0=0===0=0= 00=0000=0====0==000= 00====10=000====00=0 00=0====00=00=0000== 00===1==0=110==0=1== =11==00=0==1==0===0=   ==00===0=1=======110 (+11 -79 =90)
10: Rybka 4.1 x64 54.0 / 180 =0==00000000==0=00=0 0=1==00=00=000=0==00 =000010==000=0=0=100 =0===00000=00==0==00 00000000000==0==00=0 10=000=0=0===0000010 =01==110=0=0=01=010= 11====0000=1======0= ==11===1=0=======001   (+17 -89 =74)

900 games: +276 -178 =44

Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67GHz
CPU Speed:
- 2617,63 MHz
Arena 3.5

Ņime control: 0min/1+1
Hashsize: 256M
One cores that run at 2.66GHz

Strelka_6_1 Tournament

Rank Engine Score
1 Strelka6_1 2845,5/5000
2 Stockfish_5_32bit 1116,5/2500
3 Houdini_4_Pro_w32 1038,0/2500




Site/ Country: BOLSHOI, Russia
Level: Blitz 0/1,1
Hardware: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67GHz with 6,0 GB Memory
Operating system: Windows 7 Home Premium Home Edition Service Pack 1 (Build 7601) 64 bit


The Last update 22.11.14 21-30